
I have very little experience with it, and what little I believe I do have has mostly been while whacked out on meds, but I believe I went into “subspace” the other night during sex with my boyfriend.

“Subspace” is usually a BDSM term that refers to the “out of body experience” submissives experience during a “scene” that comes about after intense levels of “sensation/stimulation” (usually in the form of pain). My subspace was induced from just intense stimulation that was mostly pleasure, only a little pain, which I would classify more as a bit of “roughness”.

During my subspace experience the other night, I felt my whole body tingling and I was just existing in pure bliss and mindless and I was perfectly at peace with everything in the Universe. I felt euphoria, like I was floating. I was just overwhelmed by sensations, being the “sensation whore” that I am (hehe), and I let them take me on a ride into a wave of pleasure and inner peace and balance and connection to him that I’ve never felt before.

And that’s part of what I love most about sex: connecting with him. It’s like we’re one entity when we make love. He strikes something at the very core of me, of my soul, and bring me to a place of freedom and joy and love and light and perfection. When we’re together as one, I feel complete and whole. It’s euphoric.

I hope to continue to be able to enter subspace with him and to deepen our connection more intensely and intimately than ever before with my new-found sexiness/aka med-induced sexiness that I hope becomes my own new-found sexiness on a regular basis.



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